Summary of February DTB meeting

DT logoThe Dons Trust Board (DTB) held its monthly meeting on Monday 17 February.  The date had been re-scheduled due to the original date coinciding with the rearranged away match with Newport (although that was, of course, subsequently postponed).

Unfortunately not all DTB members could make the new date, and due to subsequent apologies from some members the meeting was inquorate for the first time in several years.

However, whilst the DTB was consequently not able to make any decisions on the night there was a useful discussion of several items to provide guidance to the Football Club Board (FCB).  The DTB welcomed Mick Buckley in his new role on the FCB, as well as Michael Hayes who has joined the Secretariat team.

The DTB received an update on several matters from the FCB.  The first of these was a report on the outcome of the Elite Player Performance Plan (EPPP) from Youth and Community Director, Nigel Higgs.  Unfortunately, in common with a number of clubs (including those in the Championship), AFC Wimbledon did not quite meet the demanding requirements of the EPPP audit at this time.  However having carried out a thorough analysis, members of the DTB endorsed the position being proposed by the FCB to pursue a re-audit later in the year.

Chief Executive, Erik Samuelson, then took DTB members through the accounts for the second quarter and the forecast for the rest of the year.

It was noted that bar sales were considerably better than expected, due primarily to the considerable efforts of new Bar Manager Matt Ansell and his team.  DTB members asked that Matt and colleagues be congratulated for this improved performance.  It was noted that bar sales helped to make a contribution towards KM Live and other functions.

It was also noted that there was a positive variance on the football budget (largely due to the televised Coventry City match) and the merchandise budget.  This had helped meet the exceptional costs to date for the architects/planning costs for the new stadium proposals.  Erik reported on the latest impact on the cashflow position.  Mick Buckley indicated that the FCB was undertaking a further review of funding options.  These would be examined at the next meeting of the Funding Working Group. 

Amongst other items, DTB members also noted the FCB’s proposals on player image rights and the revised date for the launch of the new AFCW Wimbledon Charitable Trust (27 March).

The second half of the meeting focused on a new skills matrix, introduced by DTB Chairman Matt Breach and which all DTB members are due to complete.  Jane Lonsdale gave a report on recent issues raised from the Volunteers Working Group and on the success of the Junior Dons party.  Matt highlighted that items for the May Special General Meeting would need to be considered at the next DTB meeting scheduled for 6 March.

The DTB would like to apologise for the delay in posting this summary.