The Dons Trust Board would like to publicly thank our outgoing Membership Secretary John Stembridge, who is stepping down to enjoy a well-earned retirement. John, known as “Stembo” to many, has been our Membership Secretary from the very beginning of the DT in 2002. He has helped the DT to navigate numerous AGMs and SGMs, handing out voting cards to allow members to vote about many issues, as well as of course issuing printed and more recently electronic membership renewals to all Dons Trust members.Such a role requires a lot of patience and dedication and all those on the DTB, past and present, are grateful to John for his work, which also has involved assisting the club to migrate all DT membership and AFC Wimbledon customer data into one system, to streamline future membership and season ticket renewals.John will be replaced by Stephen Godfrey in the role of Membership Secretary, allowing John to enjoy a well-earned rest.Stephen attended his first Wimbledon FC match in 1967 and is a founder member of the Dons Trust. A business analyst by day, Stephen has previously volunteered as a matchday steward at Kingsmeadow and was part of the DT Election Steering Group for many years.Stephen has also been an elected councillor on Winchester City Council since 2005. So, our membership queries are in good hands.All membership enquiries should be directed to