Dons Trust Board Meeting 12/06/24

The latest Dons Trust Board Meeting took place at Plough Lane on Wednesday 12th June.

Comms Report

The board received a presentation from Adam Harridence on the external comms review. The comms report is extensive and includes a number of recommendations, many of which are already being implemented. The club will release further information in due course.


May Minutes

The minutes from the May DTB were approved for publication.


Actions list

The DTB received an update on the latest season ticket sales and more information on how many new members have joined through their STs.


An update was given to the DTB on the issues raised by DTB representatives at the previous PLC board meetings


New Theme Group

It was agreed to create a new theme group with a focus on Fundraising. Further information on this will be released in due course.



A range of community initiatives were discussed and a date was agreed for the DTB to get a tour of DLAG which will involve the board taking part in some of DLAGs day to day activities.


Member Services and Engagement

It was agreed to split this group into two to allow more focused work. The board also reviewed the results from the latest DT survey which had over 1000 completed responses accounting for over 33% of the membership. A breakdown of the results of the survey will be published shortly.


Culture and Mission and Oversight

There was a discussion surrounding the latest on the constitution review as well as discussing plans for the SGMs to be held later in the year.


George Jones

Assistant Secretary