The Dons Trust AFC Wimbledon Club OwnersElections

Your chance to help set the direction of your club.

We are proud to be a fan-owned club, and the ultimate decision makers are the people Dons Trust members elect to the Dons Trust Board. We are pleased to say that we have 12 candidates standing to look to fill the 8 vacant places, so there will be a contested election.
The candidates are:
Martin Drake – Manifesto
Alex Folkes – Manifesto
Ivor Heller – Manifesto
Simon Hood – Manifesto
Simon Howson-Green – Manifesto
James Longhurst – Manifesto
James MacDonald – Manifesto
Sean McLaughlin – Manifesto
Graeme Price – Manifesto
Adam Procter – Manifesto
Dominic Proctor – Manifesto
Ian Robinson – Manifesto
The Board’s intention is that all elected members will serve for three years, with one third retiring each year.  However, because in the past some appointments have been for shorter periods, some members have stood down before their terms ended, and last year there were too few candidates to fill the vacancies, this year there will be a mixture of 1-, 2-, and 3-year positions to be filled,.  This will enable three year appointments to be the norm in future.  As such, the 4 candidates who receive the most votes will be elected for 3 year terms, the candidate who places 5th will serve a 2 year term and the other 3 successful candidates will serve for 1 year.
The current plan for the remaining dates is as follows:
Ballots sent out: Saturday 9th November
Ballot deadline: Tuesday 3rd December

The Elections Steering Group also encourages fans or fan groups to organise hustings and other events where the candidates can meet and talk to DT members. It is hoped that at least one of these will be arranged; the “9 Yrs” podcast is currently looking to organise an event.  If you are also interested in holding such an event or getting involved, please get in touch!

We also welcome anyone who wishes to support the work of the Elections Steering Group. For this or any election related question, please contact me: Matthew Breach, Elections Steering Group Chair, via: . The current membership of the ESG also includes Dave Growns, Julian Edwards and Tim Hillyer plus our independent scrutineer, Neil Springate, and a representative from the DT Secretariat, George Jones.
Matthew Breach (Elections Steering Group)

Matthew Breach, on behalf of the Election Steering Group