Webjamming with the Trust

Dons Trust Board member Jane Lonsdale has been working on behalf of the Board to find a way to get members more engaged with the Trust’s activities.

For a number of years now the Dons Trust Board has been looking for ways to add value to Trust membership.

Two years ago we launched what we refer to as the member engagement project, and we started to look into using a private social media network tool called Webjam. Some Trust members may have heard about this, as Jane has updated members at Special and Annual General Meetings, but here is an update for everyone.

Webjam is an online private social network which will enable Trust members to share information, engage with the Board and take part in discussions and polls, in a secure, exclusive members-only area. This will give the Board a closer understanding of what members want.

Having been introduced to Webjam by a fan early in 2014, Jane established a project team to look at the product. A Webjam site was designed, set up and rolled out to the Board to trial in February last year.

Early last year, a test member site was developed, and over the summer a randomly selected group of volunteers was brought together to trial the site and provide feedback. Since then, Jane, David Growns and David Reeves have been working with Webjam, and they reported back to the Board in November.

We have been advertising for a volunteer web designer so the member site can be set up and tested). The deadline for applications is midnight on Monday (18 January) – so if you wish to apply, please do so quickly.

If final testing is successful, we plan to roll out the site to all members later this year. We will be looking for volunteer Trust members to help. Initially we will need moderators and content managers, so if you are interested in finding out more, want to help, or have any questions about Webjam, please do email Jane.

This article originally appeared in the matchday programme for the game against Mansfield Town, played January 16, 2016.