Help us raise vital funds

Could your expertise help raise vital funds at a pivotal time for AFC Wimbledon?

If the answer is yes, the Dons Trust Board (DTB) would love to hear from you. As a fans club, AFC Wimbledon relies heavily on dedicated volunteers and the DTB is now seeking people with fundraising skills.

Those who could potentially help us would participate in a highly active and focussed project team, reporting directly to the DTB, with responsibility for formulating a comprehensive Fundraising Strategy for the next five years.

The DTB considers the establishment of this Fundraising Strategy to be extremely timely and imperative as a key financial component to the new football club business model needed to establish and sustain the new stadium in Plough Lane.

It is envisaged that the project would involve close collaboration with the football club and would embrace the following tasks:

  • Gathering together details of all the various sources of discretionary funds (this term is used to make it clear that Commercial income and Financing are excluded from this exercise).
  • Analysing the different types of fundraising activity.
  • Assessing the scope for rationalisation and possible expansion together with identifying potential new initiatives, recognising the fundamental need to exploit beyond the current fan base.
  • Making contact with other clubs, especially Trust-owned clubs, to see what we can learn from them. At the same time, we do not need to be restricted to the football business sector.

With the above activities in mind, the Dons Trust Board invites volunteers with appropriate skills to form the project team, to carry out the above analysis, set the outline strategy, and agree some targets for the five years. The objective is for the DTB to be able offer this strategy to its members at their 2016 AGM in December.

Those of you wishing to offer your skills in this extremely important exercise, please email Tom Adam.