The English Football League (EFL) has issued a press release announcing that the Club has agreed to enter into mediation to seek a long-term resolution to the issues for which it was charged late in 2017. The charges are set out in the EFL statement.
After consulting the Dons Trust board the football club board has agreed to enter into the mediation process suggested by the EFL. Both boards agreed that the Club should participate because we believe that continuing as we are is a distraction from focusing on our future in a new stadium back in Plough Lane, and on continuing our advance through the leagues. Nor is it helpful to the Club’s long-term interests to be regularly at odds with its governing body.
The issue is an emotive one about which, of course, many Trust members, club officials, volunteers and supporters feel very strongly. Therefore any provisional agreement will be brought to the Dons Trust membership for a vote, as well as taking informal soundings from other fans.
The mediation process will be conducted under the auspices of the EFL and will take place behind closed doors; fans, the public and the media will not be allowed to attend. The Club will be represented by Jim Sturman QC and one member each from the Club and DT boards.
We are awaiting further information from the EFL regarding the timing of the mediation process, and will notify fans as soon as this is available. Other than that we will be making no further announcements until the mediation is complete, after which we will take soundings and hold a membership vote, if appropriate, on the outcome of the mediation.