The Junior Dons section of the Dons Trust is looking to recruit several new volunteers.
Jane Lonsdale (Trust board member with responsibility for Junior Dons) is looking to recruit several volunteers to assist them. The adverts are lower down on this page and the roles cover:
- Junior Dons Christmas Party volunteers
- Increasing the member offer for 12–16 year old Junior Dons
- Junior Dons Working Group members
Scroll down this page to see more details about the different roles.
The Junior Dons (JDs) is the section of the Dons Trust membership aged 16 and under. The Dons Trust are the owners of AFC Wimbledon. The JDs section was set up to promote the engagement of young supporters with both the club and the Trust so that their engagement and participation was maintained as they grow older.
The Trust receives lots of positive comments about the JDs section and often young people join the Trust as their first engagement with AFC Wimbledon.
The roles below set out the key skills and role profiles as they are at present, but we would like to encourage applicants to bring their own thoughts and ideas on how to enhance the Junior Dons.
Given the nature of the responsibilities, you may be required to undertake a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and understand data protection rules (guidance will be given). The Trust is keen to encourage younger volunteers to apply and we will happily work with them to develop their skill set. If, for example, you are undertaking your Duke of Edinburgh and want to use this volunteering towards your volunteering commitment, we would be happy to support that. All of the roles detailed below help to develop and enhance useful transferable skills to enhance your CV.
To apply for any of the roles please email by Friday 8 November. A full CV isn’t required but please do include a paragraph on your skills and why you think you are suited to the role(s) and please indicate which of the role(s) you are interested in.
If you want any more information about any of the roles please email
Our volunteers are supported by a Volunteer Charter and are asked to sign a simple form before starting volunteering activites. You can read the Volunteer Charter and form.
Junior Dons Christmas Party volunteers
Annually the Dons Trust host the Junior Dons Christmas party. This year’s party is being held on Sunday 15 December. With up to 100 children, plus players, management, and parents of children under 5 – along with a team of volunteers – the party is one of the highlights of the Junior Dons calendar. We need up to 30 volunteers on the day itself to ensure the smooth running of the party.
The party is reliant on volunteers and, ensuring safeguarding policy is met, the number of volunteers required is increasing. The roles both in the run up to the party and at the party are varied including:
- organising elements of the party before the day itself – adverts, bookings, disco, creating pass the parcels, decorating the venue, organising gifts for the children, booking photographer etc
- volunteering to help at the party itself – helping with checking JDs into the party, helping run party games, face painting, helping with food and soft drinks
- after the party – clearing up.
Increasing the member offer for 12–16 year old Junior Dons
The Junior Dons Working Group is looking to increase the membership offer to JDs aged 12–16. At the moment some of the JDs’ offer is only relevant to under 12s (e.g. the Christmas party), so we are looking to introduce some things specifically for the 12–16 age group.
The role involves:
- reviewing and assessing (including costs) suggestions already made to the working group
- reviewing and comparing comparative offers in other organisations and football clubs
- making recommendations to the working group which would be discussed and considered by the Dons Trust Board.
Skills required:
- Proven organisation and delivery skills
- Ability to work both independently and autonomously and in a group
- An interest in improving the membership offer for Junior Dons
- An understanding of teenagers and their aims and ambitions in relation to the club
- Good communication and customer service skills
Junior Dons Working Group members
The Junior Dons Working Group (overseen by DTB member Jane Lonsdale) was set up to review, consider and deliver the JDs membership offer. The group having been established since early 2018 is now looking to expand its membership to allow it to deliver more things for the Junior Dons, including the offer to the 12–16 year old members.
The current membership offer includes:
- two newsletters a year
- signed birthday and Christmas cards
- a free membership gift
- an opportunity to meet the players
- an opportunity to tour the stadium
- an annual Junior Dons Christmas Party.
The role involves:
- Being part of the JDs working group and helping to deliver the offer to JDs
- Attending meetings to oversee the Junior Dons’ membership offer
- Researching, presenting and delivering ideas to improve the membership of the Junior Dons
- Helping deliver specific JD initiatives, e.g. newsletters, birthday and Christmas cards, Christmas party, open days etc.
The skills required:
- Proven organisation and delivery skills
- An interest in improving the membership offer for Junior Dons
- Good communication and customer service skills
To apply for any of the roles please email by Friday 8 November. A full CV isn’t required but please do include a paragraph on your skills and why you think you are suited to the role(s) and please indicate which of the role(s) you are interested in.