Departing DT board member Kevin Rye has put together a few short videos reflecting on his time on the board, covering: What he was expecting being on the board of the Dons Trust to be like, what’s it been like working a part of a board, has anything surprised him, and what advice would he would give to candidates standing for the board.
He was elected in December 2022, and after his two year term is standing down as planned in order to focus on his work in football, though he is remaining involved as part of the DTB’s fundraising committee.
Kev wanted to provide a bit of insight on his time on the board, and felt this was also a good way to provide a bit more information to potential candidates for this upcoming election.
You can read more about how you can stand for the board at
He outlines some of his experiences below in four short videos below.
1. What was I expecting being on the board of the Dons Trust to be like?
2. What’s it been like working a part of a board?
3. Has anything surprised you?
4. What advice would I give to candidates for the board?