June DT newsletter out now

The June Dons Trust newsletter is out now, with information about the new fundraising group we’ve established, recently asked questions, and news from the club’s partner charities, Wimbledon in Sporting History (WiSH), the AFC Wimbledon Foundation and Dons Local Action Group (DLAG).

If you’re a member and you haven’t received a copy, check your spam/junk, and ensure the domain secretary@thedonstrust.org is on your whitelist, or get in touch with us via contact@thedonstrust.org


‘Dear England’ 11/03/24 @Plough Lane

The Dons Trust showed “Dear England” in the Viticult Lounge at Plough Lane on Monday March 11 at 7pm.

This is the film of the National Theatre’s play about Gareth Southgate’s team in the run-up to the semifinals at the 2018 World Cup, the 2020 European Championship final at Wembley Stadium, and the quarterfinal of the 2022 World Cup.

We showed it at the invitation of  the National Theatre who were keen to reach out to football clubs with a..

Board meeting report 10/01/24

The latest Dons Trust board meeting was at Plough Lane on Wednesday evening, 11 January. James Macdonald & new board member Hannah Kitcher dialled in and Anuk Teasdale gave her apologies due to other commitments.

Board roles

Michele Little was reconfirmed as DT Board Chair and Angus Fox was appointed as Vice Chair. Thanks given to Graeme Price for his time as Vice Chair. The theme group teams were confirmed, Michele, Graeme and James were reconfirmed as PLC..

Board meeting report 13/12/23

The latest Dons Trust board meeting was at Plough Lane on Wednesday evening, 8 November. James Macdonald & Anuk Teasdale dialled in, and Graeme Price gave apologies in advance due to previous committments. New board member Hannah Kitcher was present as an observer.

Election Steering Group (ESG) report

ESG feedback regarding elections received with further comment at AGM

Board theme groups update


Anuk has taken over the role of chair from Kevin Rye The process of agreeing how..

Board meeting report 08/11/23

The latest Dons Trust board meeting was at Plough Lane on Wednesday evening, 8 November. Kevin Rye dialled in, Mark Lewis had notified the board that he would arrive late, and James Macdonald, Anuk Teasdale & Graeme Price gave apologies in advance due to work committments. New board member Hannah Kitcher was present as an observer.

Election update

ESG initial feedback regarding elections with detailed report to follow, including discussion on spare board places and elections/co-options Exit interviews of retiring..

Dons Trust Board Elections 2023 Announcement

Following the closing of the nomination period, the Election Steering Group are in a position to confirm that we received four completed nomination forms. As a result, the 2023 election will be uncontested. 

In line with our election rules, we have now completed a process of determining who will serve the various term lengths available.  

At the conclusion of this process, we can confirm the follow candidates have been successful in their election to the Dons Trust Board.

Serving a three-year term (Ending in 2026) 

Angus Fox..

Debt consultation survey – now out!

The process of consultation about how as a trust we should manage the debt used to build Plough Lane began in the summer with a series of consultation sessions with randomly chosen members.

This is because the first set of Plough Lane Bonds mature in spring 2025. The club has exciting plans to drive revenues forward over the coming years, but with all the other calls on cash – not least the playing budget! – we won’t be able..

Board meeting report 11/10/23

The latest Dons Trust board meeting was at Plough Lane on Wednesday evening, 11 October. All board members were present, bar Mark Lewis who gave apologies in advance due to a work commitment.

Introduction to new board members Angus, Anuk and Edward.

The board welcomed Anuk Teasdale and Angus Fox (co-opted) and Edward Leek (Casual Vacancy) to the board.

Oversight, Culture & Mission

SGM planning for 1 November including the DTB resolution to change our rules on the number of..

Elections AheadElections 2023 page updated

The elections 2023 page: https://thedonstrust.org/2023-election has been updated, providing information about nominations, the election rules, the duties of a board member, and the role the Dons Trust Board plays in relation to AFCW PLC.

Please ensure you bookmark this page. The page https://thedonstrust.org/2023-election/ supersedes any previous years’ information about elections.

Please note: if you have any queries or questions about the elections, please contact elections@thedonstrust.org

Young AFC Wimbledon fans pen DT SLP Column

Our regular Dons Trust column published in the South London Press is out today, but with a difference! It’s been penned by some of the members of our new 16-24 year-old advisory group, Jasper McNulty, Oscar Nathan and Ben Lewi. See below.

If you want to find out more about their work, drop us a line at contact@thedonstrust.org

Keep an eye out for more on the website.

Dons Trust column: Introducing the next generation of AFC Wimbledon owners!
