The Dons Trust Board (DTB) held its monthly meeting at The Cherry Red Records Stadium on Tuesday, May 12. Ahead of publication of the redacted minutes, this article summarises the main points that were discussed.
The vast majority of the meeting focused on issues surrounding the club’s planning application for a new stadium in Wimbledon and the future of The Cherry Red Records Stadium. For reasons of commercial confidentiality most of this discussion cannot be reported at present, but the meeting did also touch upon the fact that further consultation will be held with supporters to seek more views regarding the interior design of the stadium, following on from the recent successful SGM.
The DTB also received an update from club CEO Erik Samuelson, including presentation of the nine-month accounts to 31 March which show a significant profit before taxation thanks to this season’s FA Cup run. As well as providing an update on areas such as sponsorship and merchandise sales, where the arrival of fresh stock had given a recent boost, Erik’s report highlighted the contribution made by the increasingly popular Fujiyama Mama’s Hot Rockin’ Club’s rock ‘n’ roll nights.
Under any other business, Mark Davis acknowledged that further communication needs to be provided to members regarding the ticket price consultation that was carried out at the end of last year, while David Growns reported that a date has been set for interviews for the Volunteer Liaison Officer role.
With the high volume of matters currently coming through the DTB, it was agreed to hold another additional DTB meeting at the end of May.
In attendance from the DTB were: Matt Breach, Moorad Choudhry, Mark Davis, David Growns, Nigel Higgs, Jane Lonsdale. Apologies were received from Zoe Linkson, Sean McLaughlin and Kris Stewart.