We are pleased to announce that Mukesh Desai has stepped forward to become the Trust’s new treasurer.
Mukesh volunteered following an appeal for help made by the Trust board in February. His offer was formally accepted at last night’s Dons Trust board meeting. Mukesh’s is a non-board role looking after the Trust’s own accounts and finances.
We would like to thank outgoing treasurer Sean McLaughlin for his 13 years of service, including continuing to carry out the role until Mukesh’s appointment.
At the same time as we appealed for a treasurer, we also asked supporters with suitable financial expertise to step forward for a co-opted role on the board itself, to help us fill an identified skills gap in the current Trust board overseeing the club’s finances.
We are currently interviewing a number of supporters who offered their services to act in this role and we will make an announcement as soon as possible.