Plough Lane Funding Survey

Since the Dons Trust SGM held on Monday 9 December 2019, we have been working closely with those fans who put this idea forward at the meeting. They have launched a survey to see how much appetite there is, and the results are very encouraging indeed, with over £3 million of potential support indicated so far. The terms fans have offered have been generous, so this money could make a real impact alongside other sources of finance. We will work hard on this and, once we’ve got the legalities sorted, we will press ahead with launching a fans’ bond in the new year.

We’re very positive about this opportunity, and grateful to fans who are willing to pledge money to this initiative. We would love the fans’ bond to make a sizeable dent in the £11 million we are seeking to raise. It can also help give us a further breathing space to raise the rest of the money we need and, if the terms are as generous as you have been indicating, make the overall financing package more affordable.