The Dons Trust is looking for a volunteer to share in minute-taking duties for board meetings and for general meetings with members. In all, there are around 15–18 such meetings per year, and the board wishes to expand the team of minute-takers so as to share the workload and ensure that minutes are prepared and finalised on a timely basis.
As a minute-taker, you will be responsible for:
- Drafting formal minutes of board / general meetings;
- Assisting with finalisation of minutes, following comments from board members.
You will not be expected to attend every board and general meeting. The intention is to alternate with one or more members of the secretariat.
Essential criteria for the role will include the ability to:
- listen carefully to, and follow, complex discussions;
- sustain concentration during meetings typically lasting 3 hours;
- take rapid notes and to judge what are the key points of discussion for recording in minutes;
- write clearly and succinctly, in grammatical English and with correct spelling and punctuation;
- work to deadlines;
- abide by the confidentiality of board discussions.
You will not necessarily be an experienced minute-taker already. The Dons Trust is working to develop a more consistent style and format for its minutes during 2020, and you will be willing to tailor your minutes to (and perhaps contribute to the development of) that style and format.
This role is unpaid. The benefits you will gain will include:
- Developing and enhancing a useful set of skills;
- Gaining insights into the operations and conduct of The Dons Trust and AFC Wimbledon;
- Making a satisfying contribution to the effectiveness of the board and its transparency to Dons Trust members.
To enquire about, or apply for the role, please contact Dons Trust Secretary David Growns via Applications are due by 28th February. Applicants may be requested to take minutes at one or two board meetings pending confirmation in the role. If you have any questions about the role, please contact David Growns (email as above).