It may seem like only yesterday in some respects, but it is actually a little more than a year since fans and the Trust came together to launch the Plough Lane Bond – and our admin team is progressing the second batch of annual interest payments this week.
The scheme, which is still open, has raised more than £5.5m and is the UK’s most successful football club loan scheme. Crucially, it made the difference when it came to financing the build of our new stadium.
Many bondholders have contacted us to say they would like to donate their interest back to the club. We are grateful for anyone who wishes to do so, especially as we fully recognise how changed the financial situation is now, compared to a year ago.
However, because of the nature of the financial instrument as a 5, 10, or 20-year bond with fixed terms and conditions, the interest on the Plough Lane Bond cannot be waived.
Should anyone be kind enough to want to help reduce the cost of the loans to the Trust and our Club, the best way to achieve this is to donate some or all of the interest they receive back to the Trust.
If you are considering doing this, please remember that you may be liable for tax on the interest you receive, whether or not you donate it back to us. So you may wish to hold some money back from your donation, to cover any tax liability on the interest earned (NB we regret we are unable to provide you with any advice on tax matters).
If you wish to make a donation, then this can be done here via Paypal or by making a bank transfer to the following account:
The Dons Trust Stadium Appeal Account
Sort code 089299
Account number 65096473.
The Bond scheme remains open to new applications, offering a return of between 0 and 4% over 5,10 and 20-year terms. Full details are on the dedicated Plough Lane Bond website