#MeetTheDTBMeet the DTB is back!

The Dons Trust Board is delighted to announce the return of our “Meet the Dons Trust Board” sessions, taking place online at 7.00 pm on Monday 10 July. The sessions will run for around an hour.

Hosted on Zoom, these online sessions offer Dons Trust members the opportunity to talk to members of the existing Dons Trust Board.

An updated format for this year sees members being invited to speak during the sessions to share their thoughts. Each one will have a specific focus – helping us explain how the board works and what we are doing.

The first event will feature board members Richard Shepherd and Kris Stewart and the topic is “What is Oversight and how do we do it?”

We’ll start with Richard and Kris explaining how the DTB oversees the club’s operational board (the PLC board), and then invite attendees to come on and contribute to the discussion and ask any questions on the issue at hand.

Towards the end, we will have a few minutes where we open up the scope for discussion to wider topics attendees want to raise.

You can submit your thoughts, opinions or questions in advance by emailing them to MeetTheDTB@gmail.com by midday on Monday 10 July.

Please register for ‘Meet the Dons Trust Board’ at: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_63ntjp8PRFySdC8ZMqaMQg

You can also send your thoughts/comments/questions in advance to MeetTheDTB@Gmail.com