Our membership team has confirmed the following additional detail to the current situation with regards to members who don’t renew via Direct Debit
Further update: lapsed members who renew manually
Given the circumstances and line with custom and practice, we will recognise those “lapsed” members who are unable to renew manually for three months after their renewal date, including for the purposes of voting at elections and meetings.
At this stage we are working hard to ensure that the transfer of data will be completed well before we reach the end of September.
Membership update
As announced previously, we are moving the administration of Trust membership to the club’s ticketing system. We are in the final stages of the move and hope to reopen memberships soon.
New Memberships
Whilst we are in the process of moving the administration of Trust membership we have temporarily removed the option to join. Once the move is complete we will restore the option.
Membership Renewals
We have postponed renewals for the moment and will send out renewal notices to existing members when the move is complete. If you have a Direct Debit then your membership will have been renewed automatically.