A great response to the survey, with strong support for the proposals and some helpful questions and suggestions from members.
Thank you to all the Dons Trust members who responded to our recent survey on proposed membership changes for the 2024/25 season.
The survey was a continuation of work the Board had been doing on membership that included the members survey in 2022. We have been integrating Dons Trust membership into the Club’s ticketing platform and are now looking to combine and enhance some of our joint offers.
1,496 members responded, agonisingly short of a nice round 1,500, but still over 44% of the membership which is a fantastic response. We have included a summary below and a more detailed summary is available for download too (https://thedonstrust.org/files/2024-membership-survey-web.pdf).
As a board we were delighted by the response rate, and we want to make member surveys and polls a more frequent part of our engagement and communications.
We were appreciative of the members who took the time to leave free text comments, suggestions and questions. We have looked at these and will take them on board as we develop our membership offering and service. We will aim to cover the questions raised in the online FAQs (https://thedonstrust.org/2024/04/03/dons-trust-membership-2024-25-faq) and in our other communications.
We will now work with the Club to find the best ways to introduce these proposals, alongside the very important work of increasing membership and engagement in range of other ways. Our initial plans include a commitment to a full communications and engagement programme for new members.
Question results
Question 1 asked about increasing standard membership from £25 to £30, the first increase of its kind in our 22 years.
87% of members agreed (68% strongly) with the proposal.
Question 2 asked about proposals to increase concessions membership cost from £10 to £15.
78% of members agreed (60% strongly).
Question 3 outlined our proposal to launch an enhanced membership for non-season ticket holding fans, the membership would include the usual Dons Trust rights and some extra benefits provided by the Club.
74% of members agreed (54% strongly).
Question 4 asked about your views on our plan to include membership to the Dons Trust as a default part of Season Tickets.
74% of members agreed (58% strongly) in total.