Dons Trust Board Meeting 08/05/24

The latest Dons Trust Board Meeting took place at Plough Lane on Wednesday 8th May.

The minutes for the previous meeting were approved.

Michele gave the board a finance update and presented the latest management accounts for the Dons Trust.

The board congratulated the Women’s team for lifting the league title and securing promotion in front of a record crowd at Plough Lane on Sunday. A discussion then took place in relation to funding opportunities going forward.

The board then..

South Stand Dons – please be in the stand for 2.45 pm tomorrow – Saturday 27th April

The Dons Trust is delighted to back a fan-led protest at Plough Lane tomorrow and asks for fans in the South Stand (Reston Waste stand) to be in their seats by 2.45 pm to help.

AFC Wimbledon fans have once again risen to the occasion and the Dons Trust are delighted to support a fan-initiated protest against the proposed changes to the FA Cup.

(You can read the Club statement on the..

Season tickets and membership 24/25 – Joining the dots

Dear members,

As owners and supporters of AFC Wimbledon we are a collective, as individuals we all have our own personal stories of how we became Wimbledon fans and Dons Trust members. And we are all united by our passion for Wimbledon and by our responsibilities as its stewards and owners.

Since moving back to Plough Lane, our crowds have nearly doubled, and we’ve attracted waves of new fans of all ages to..

Proposed changes to the FA Cup

The Dons Trust Board condemns the decision taken unilaterally by the Premier League to change the format of the FA Cup, and wholeheartedly supports the statement released by AFC Wimbledon today, which you can read in full here:


Dons Trust Board Meeting 10th April 2024 Summary

The latest Dons Trust Board meeting took place at Plough Lane on Wednesday 10th April. Apologies were received from Anuk, Andrea and George.


The minutes for the previous meeting were approved with some minor amendments.


New Club website

The board received an update on the new club website from Marc Jones.



An update from the Community Theme group contained updates on DLAG and a discussion surrounding the next steps in relation to the club’s equality survey.


A summary of resolutions at the upcoming SGM (22 April 2024)

We have been asked by some members to provide an overview of the resolutions we are voting on at the SGM. 

You can find all our SGM and AGM papers here:

We know that the upcoming votes contain a lot of technical and legal details. We understand from questions raised that some members would like an overview as well as the full papers. 

The Dons Trust Chair has responded to some questions elsewhere on this with a summary and..

Dons Trust Membership Survey 24/25 – The Results

A great response to the survey, with strong support for the proposals and some helpful questions and suggestions from members.  

Thank you to all the Dons Trust members who responded to our recent survey on proposed membership changes for the 2024/25 season.

The survey was a continuation of work the Board had been doing on membership that included the members survey in 2022. We have been integrating Dons Trust membership into the Club’s ticketing platform and are now looking to..

Dons Trust Membership 2024/25 FAQ  

We have put together this frequently asked questions (FAQ) list in response to plans to change how we sell and process Dons Trust membership. We’ve tried to answer as many as possible below.  

These are posted in one place here on the Dons Trust website to make it easy to understand and access, and we will update them as required. 

Season tickets and membership FAQs Update – 22nd April  

There are three ways to become a Dons Trust member..