AFC Wimbledon badgeBeing diverse and inclusive

Anuk Teasdale, a member of the Dons Trust Diversity & Inclusion Working Group, reports on the progress the group is making to combat discrimination of all kinds.

The Diversity and Inclusion Group, formed by volunteers and headed by a Dons Trust Board member, continues to make strides in working with the club in this important and complex area. We recognise the issues facing football clubs and fans alike, as highlighted by recent incidents at Haringey Borough and in Bulgaria, and..

Football Supporters' Association logoGovernance: a hot topic

The well-publicised crises at Bolton Wanderers and Bury are far from isolated cases. The founding of the Football Supporters Association is a potential watershed in the governance of clubs, says Dons Trust Board member Hannah Kitcher.

On Saturday 29 June 2019, the hottest day of the year up to that point at a mere 33 degrees, Dons Trust Board (DTB) vice-chair Rob Crane and I enjoyed the air conditioning of a conference room in central London.

We were there, along..

Football Supporters' Association logoFind out about the FSA

The Dons Trust is an affiliate member of the Football Supporters’ Association (FSA), the group that recently formed by merging the Football Supporters’ Federation (FSF) and Supporters Direct.

The FSA is the national, democratic, representative body for supporters in England and Wales. They are the leading advocates for supporter ownership, better fan engagement, cheaper ticket prices, the choice to stand at the match, protecting fan rights, good governance, diversity, and all types of supporter empowerment.

The new organisation held its..