Announcement of Election to fill five vacancies on the Trust Board

This Announcement of Election formally starts the election process to fill five vacancies on the Board of Wimbledon Football Club Supporters’ Society Limited (the Trust Board). 

If there is anything that is not clear, or anything that you would like to discuss, contact the Election Steering Group via or on 07818 617 620.  John Dolan, who is chairing the Group this year, will do his best to help.


Five members’ two-year terms come to an end this year. There are therefore five vacancies to be filled, all for a term of two years. For reference, the four continuing members are Matthew Breach, Nigel Higgs, Sean McLaughlin, and Tim Hillyer, who will be happy to discuss the role and responsibilities of Board members.

Standing as a candidate

If you wish to stand, you will need to complete a nomination form. Please note that this year, forms need to be submitted via both electronic and hard copy methods. The form also includes a section declaring your shareholding, if any, in AFCW plc.

Election Rules

The election rules can be found here.


The election will be conducted in accordance with the following timetable:

Nominations open

Saturday 30 September 2017

Nominations close

23:59 Saturday 21 October 2017

Manifestos published as soon as possible after

23 October 2017

Candidates can begin campaigning

When manifestos sent out

Voting forms sent to members before

11 November 2017

Closing date for voting

23:59 Monday 27 November 2017

Annual General Meeting – Result announced

Thursday 14 December 2017

There will be no formal hustings before, during or after a home match; previous elections have shown there to be little voter appetite for this. However, candidates are, subject to the Election Rules, free to canvass and campaign at such times.

Official events may be organised; candidates will be given as much notice as possible of these.