Dons Trust Programme Notes – Morecambe 15/1/22


“If you don’t know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere” – Henry Kissinger.

After establishing a strategy review as a core priority of the Dons Trust Board early 2021, and after working group and stakeholder group meetings, surveys and general consultation we were able to deliver THE strategy for AFC Wimbledon at the AGM in December.

We had not looked at strategy since Dickie Guy was a lad, back in 2011, and this review of the club’s direction was pretty overdue. Clear direction is needed to make the most of what we have, and the work invested was appropriately thorough.

So, what did we all decide?

Our big aim, or what some people call our “purpose” is:

To successfully continue the greatest story in English football as a proudly fan-owned and ambitious club at the heart of its community

And our five 5-year strategic objectives are as follows:

– Championship Football
– Be widely recognised as pioneers in player development.
– Financially sustainable. Reinvesting profits.
– Become the UK’s number one community club.
– Expand Plough Lane and transform our training facility.

These objectives, along with our main purpose, will guide us closely in our decision making and behaviours as we go forward. We will refer to them frequently.

We also agreed to look at the subject of B Corp and the London Living Wage (LLW) more closely, with a decision to be made on B Corp status and a plan for implementation of LLW.

As well as arriving at objectives we looked at how we would achieve them. The main methods and values:

– The boards and staff will work for the members and owners, in a clear, transparent and  consultative way.
– Throughout the Club, we will recruit people whose values align with ours.
– We will strive to create business units that are unusually strong for a club of our size by supporting the senior leadership team with volunteer experts.
– We will put data and judgment at the heart of our decision making.

And we will operate with the following core values:

– Collaboration – One Club
– Ownership
– Resilience
– Trust
– Constant Improvement

Due to the very special nature of our fantastic football club, so many of you will be actively involved in this journey. As staff, as volunteers, as fans.

We look forward to playing a part, with you, on the next leg of our incredible journey.