The Dons Trust AFC Wimbledon Club OwnersSeptember Board Meeting Summary

Wednesday 13 September’s board meeting was planned to have been a formal meeting of the board. However, because of the recent changes to the board, specifically the departure of Kris Stewart (see statement), the formal section of the meeting was only to discuss and agree the filling of the casual vacancy left by Kris’s departure (according to rule 64 of the constitution).

Once this decision was made there then followed a series of discussions on different matters with no further formal decisions.

Any decisions that needed to be made as a result of this meeting have, by the time this report is published, been made electronically as per procedure.

The meeting was at Plough Lane on Wednesday evening, 13 September. Chris Phillips let us know beforehand that he’d be unable to attend.

Changes had already been made to the composition and leadership of the board before Kris Stewart’s formal departure from the board (see above). Michele Little is now Chair, and Graeme Price is now Vice Chair. 

Casual Vacancy

We agreed to appoint Edward Leek under the provisions in rule 64 (casual vacancies) until December this year, when he will stand down.

Co-option of new board members

Richard discussed the process and that interviews were taking place this week.


We discussed the possible date for the upcoming SGM, which was suggested could be November 1 2023.

Replacement for Kris Stewart on AFCW PLC

We discussed the replacement for Kris, and were in agreement that James Macdonald would be the best person. This was voted on by email the day after.

Board theme groups – discussion

There was a discussion about the theme groups and their composition. Several changes were suggested, which will be voted electronically this week.

Board theme groups – report


Meet the DTB went well.

16-24 group has met and has made some very interesting & constructive points

The meeting closed at 20:40.