We are pleased to invite you to a Special General Meeting, to be held on Monday 16th September 2024 at 7.00pm at Plough Lane and online. Please note that this meeting is now in the 1889 Lounge (formerly the Silver Lounge).
This is a Special General Meeting called at the request of members representing over 10% of the Dons Trust membership to vote on five Resolutions proposed by them.
Details of these Resolutions are outlined here 3-Member-Yellow-Paper-1.pdf (thedonstrust.org) along with the meeting’s agenda, which is outlined here 2-Agenda-1.pdf (thedonstrust.org)
All members are welcome to attend this meeting either in person or online but please see the note in the Agenda regarding limited in-person access due to the capacity of the meeting room in case this influences your decision as to whether to attend in person or online.
It is important that the Resolutions are discussed at the meeting before any votes are taken.
It will also be possible for suggested amendments to the Resolutions to be made at the meeting and, if accepted by the proposing and seconding members, for these amended versions of the Resolutions to be the versions voted upon.
At the meeting, once the final version of the wording of each Resolution is agreed, a vote will take place. This initial vote will be by a show of hands in the meeting room and an electronic vote from those attending online.
The Dons Trust board have agreed an initial view on each of the five Resolutions being proposed as follows:
Resolution 1: The constitution is already drafted to allow online voting after a meeting and proxy appointments before which is essential for those who don’t have access to online voting.
The board agree to clarifying the wording of the constitution to make things clearer and are drafting amendments to be proposed at the meeting.
Resolution 2: Again, the constitution is already drafted to allow online voting after a meeting and proxy appointments before.
The board agree to clarifying the wording of the constitution to make things clearer and are drafting amendments to be proposed at the meeting.
Resolution 3: The majority of the board is against this proposal, having taken advice from the FSA on this point, they recommend that member’s resolutions continue to have the higher threshold to pass.
Resolution 4: The board are against this proposal – it is essential that the board is able to provide guidance and a recommendation to members on proposals as the board has the benefit of sensitive information, some of which may not be known to other members. However, it is accepted that this should generally be done sparingly and the board will agree a formal policy on this.
Resolution 5: The board are in favour of hybrid meetings and making recordings available subject to technology, costs constraints, and the ability to edit the recording for legal reasons only before sharing. However, committing constitutionally to uncosted technology requirements is not wise. Drafting amendments to be suggested at the meeting.
The above are the board’s initial views subject to hearing member’s views before and during the meeting.
If a member cannot attend in person then they can appoint a proxy (a substitute) to attend and vote in their place. To do this please either click the link which we are emailing (separately) to all those who usually receive agenda and papers for meetings by email if you wish to appoint the chair of the meeting as your proxy.
This link will give you the ability to choose to direct the chair to vote as he sees fit after hearing the debate on each Resolution or alternatively you can direct the chair to vote for or against each Resolution – this maximizes member choice.
The chair can be the proxy for an unlimited number of members.
This link should be appearing in your inbox within 48 hours, so if you don’t see it, drop a line (with your DT membership details) to secretary@thedonstrust.org and it will get followed up.
Alternatively you may appoint any other member to be your proxy (again with any voting directions you wish to give to them) but any member can only hold a maximum of 3 proxies. If you wish to do this please email secretary@thedonstrust.org to confirm the name of your proxy appointment – please ensure it reaches the company secretary by noon on Friday 13th September 2024.
To join the meeting online you will need to register by noon on Monday 16th September 2024 – please use the links below.
If you are joining the meeting online you will also be able to vote on the night of the meeting
VERY IMPORTANT: Do not appoint a proxy in advance if you are attending the meeting either in person or online. Any previous submitted proxy appointment by members attending on the night will be invalidated and deleted from the final voting figures as the appointed proxy cannot vote on your behalf if you attend in person.
If you received this note through the post and you aren’t planning to come to the meeting, you will need to complete the paper proxy form that has been sent to you to register your view and to return that form to us to be received by noon on Friday 13th September 2024.
The form can either be emailed to secretary@thedonstrust.org or sent to The Secretary, The Dons Trust, Cherry Red Records Stadium, Plough Lane, SW17 0NR.
The meeting will be recorded and made available after the event to Dons Trust members via email and online. If you have any queries about joining the event please email contact@thedonstrust.org.
Below you will find further guidance on how to take part in the meeting.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Monday 16th September 2024
Yours faithfully,
Angus Fox Chair, for the Dons Trust board
How to take part
Our meetings are for Dons Trust members only.
In person
Come along to Plough Lane for the meeting at 7 pm (doors at 6.30 pm) on Monday 16th September 2024. There is no need to register in advance.
On arrival we will confirm that you are a member. You can help us to speed up this process by bringing a current or previous DT Card with you.
Here is the zoom link for people to register online for the SGM. https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hg8k8sohROSJ39FAiU48Ag
Follow this link 1-Covering-Letter-1.pdf (thedonstrust.org) to register for the SGM online.
Can’t make it? Members who aren’t joining us on the day can appoint a proxy in advance to then vote on their behalf at the meeting by either using the link which is being sent to each member that usually receives agenda and meeting papers by email (*to appoint the Chair as your proxy) or email secretary@thedonstrust.org to confirm the name of your proxy appointment.
If you received this notice by post, you will need to complete the paper proxy form included in your pack to register your view.
A word about voting… After the show of hands at the physical meeting and online vote on each Resolution it is possible that a second type of vote called a “Poll Vote” may be demanded by either the Chair or by 10% of members attending and voting. In such circumstances, the results of the initial vote on such Resolution would then be replaced by the results of the poll vote, which would be organised by the Dons Trust Company Secretary and take place within 30 days of the meeting.