Board meeting report 08/11/23

The latest Dons Trust board meeting was at Plough Lane on Wednesday evening, 8 November. Kevin Rye dialled in, Mark Lewis had notified the board that he would arrive late, and James Macdonald, Anuk Teasdale & Graeme Price gave apologies in advance due to work committments. New board member Hannah Kitcher was present as an observer.

Election update

ESG initial feedback regarding elections with detailed report to follow, including discussion on spare board places and elections/co-options Exit interviews of retiring..

Young AFC Wimbledon fans pen DT SLP Column

Our regular Dons Trust column published in the South London Press is out today, but with a difference! It’s been penned by some of the members of our new 16-24 year-old advisory group, Jasper McNulty, Oscar Nathan and Ben Lewi. See below.

If you want to find out more about their work, drop us a line at

Keep an eye out for more on the website.

Dons Trust column: Introducing the next generation of AFC Wimbledon owners!
