The Trust Webjam – election section open!

This year’s Dons Trust Webjam election section is now open! To access it, log in and click on the ‘2019 Elections’ tab at the top of the homepage.

There you’ll find all the candidates’ mini manifestos. You can also download their full manifestos.

You can ask questions directly to candidates – every candidate has a post called ‘Ask me anything’ and you can post your comment or question for them there.

Alternatively, to ask a question for all candidates..

The Trust Webjam currently offline

The Dons Trust Webjam is currently offline – the company that runs it were doing some tweaks “under the bonnet” this weekend and now one of our volunteers needs to do some tweaks of our own.

We’ll let you know as soon as it’s back up. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Update 9 May: we’re pleased to say that the Dons Trust Webjam is now back online. 

More exclusive content on the Trust Webjam

The summary of January’s Dons Trust Board meeting has now been published for members on the Trust Webjam. It will remain there exclusively for members before being duplicated on this website in a month’s time.

Later this week we will be uploading to the Trust Webjam an article about the work being done to introduce a customer relationship management system (CRM system) to the club.

Don’t forget you can use the Trust Webjam to interact with other Trust members and..