This article originally appeared in the Scunthorpe United matchday programme.
Dons Trust Secretary David Hall looks ahead to the Special General Meeting next month and explains why there is an important debate on the agenda.
As Dons Trust Board Chair Matthew Breach explained in the Wycombe programme, part of the upcoming Special General Meeting, to be held on 16 September at 7.30 pm at The Cherry Red Records Stadium, will be devoted to updating members on the club’s proposed move back to Wimbledon and the board’s strategy in preparing for that, including important aspects of future funding and governance.
Less high-profile perhaps, but just as important, is one other key item on the agenda: this autumn’s board elections. The board has been looking afresh at the election process, being very mindful that in last year’s election there was a disappointing shortage of candidates. Although Mick Buckley subsequently joined the board as a co-opted member, we’re keen to ensure that, if possible, there is a contested election this year and that we get some new candidates coming forward.
The board is conscious that there is a perception among some members – rightly or wrongly – that some people might feel discouraged from standing for election, with members generally tending to vote for existing (or previous) board members, whom they perceive to have the most experience. Under Dons Trust rules, the board is responsible for agreeing the procedure by which elections take place. To help inform that process, the board would like to see an open debate at September’s SGM on ways in which we can encourage more candidates to stand for election. We really want to increase our members’ engagement in the wider election process, both this year and in future years. If we can do that, we stand a much better chance of ensuring that the board’s membership is regularly refreshed and energised with new people who bring in new ideas and perspectives.
We will again have five board vacancies this year, so please come along to the SGM if you can, and help us explore practical options that will enhance opportunities for new candidates to stand for our board and represent the views of all members.
You can share ideas in advance of the SGM by posting them on the Dons Trust website (see below): follow the Contact Us button on the homepage. Alternatively, tweet us @thedonstrust, using the hashtag #dtbelections.