Plough Lane Bond 2 – Last Orders

Plough Lane Bond 2 will close in two weeks, having provided the funding required to complete construction of Plough Lane stadium. So there is still time to get any last orders in before the closing date: 10.10.22.
The Plough Lane Bond has raised almost £9.5m across its two iterations at a composite interest rate of below 4%.
Its launch allowed the stadium construction to continue on track for the club’s return in 2020 and the second tranche enabled the plc to remove any external or secured debt. After the October deadline, the plc will also have repaid all of the short-term loan facility provided by Cherry Red Records.
Dons Trust Treasurer and AFCW plc director Michele Little explained: “With many thanks to all of our fans and investors – the bond has now enabled us to complete this phase of providing debt funding for the club. The bond will therefore close on 10th October so all final orders – and payments – need to be made by then. If an order is made before 10.10.22 but not paid for at that date, the order will be cancelled.”
Investors can choose their own interest rate for the Bond between 0 and 7% and a term length of 5, 10 or 20 years. Full details and terms and conditions are available at
Following on from the Trust’s last financial update [] AFCW plc and its Finance Committee will continue to explore all avenues of funding and financing in their planning for the next few years, including preparing options to consider ahead of the first round of redemptions which fall due in Spring 2025.
Further information about the past financial year will be published in the year end accounts ahead of December’s Dons Trust AGM and AFCW plc AGM.