A few weeks ago, the Dons Trust board launched a vote to formalise some of the changes to our rules that our members decided on at the AGM in December. In essence, we need to meet certain criteria as these updates – many of which relate to the protection of our Plough Lane home against sale – involve Restricted Actions and require around 1,750 members to vote on them.
We’ve had a great response so far, with 1,600 already registering their views. That’s more than voted in the last Dons Trust board elections!
But to get these protections formalised, we need a few more – around 150 extra member votes.
We’ve sent details to everyone with an email address. If you’ve voted already, thanks. If you’ve seen the email and not voted, please do. And if you’ve not seen it, please let us know – drop a line to the Dons Trust secretary on secretary@thedonstrust.org and they will forward you everything you need.
We need the votes in by the afternoon of Sunday 30 April – that gives us just 6 days to get it done. So please act now.
You can read more about the changes to our rules at https://thedonstrust.org/2023/03/31/calling-all-members-make-sure-to-have-your-say/