The Dons Trust AFC Wimbledon Club OwnersBoard meeting report 07/08/23

The latest Dons Trust board meeting was at Plough Lane on Monday evening, 7 August. Kevin Rye let us know beforehand that he’d be on holiday and so not able to join us.

James Macdonald & Chris Phillips weren’t there in person but were present online.   

We signed off the minutes for July for publication and they are now up on the website 

Project to locate and record previous DT policies and decisions 

Project is progressing well 

Review of communications licences 

Decision has been made to stick with Zoom and we are continuing to keep other licences under review 

Auditors tender process

DT Treasurer remains in discussion with club finance team over audits. 

Ratification of email decisions

  • Club Charter: The board approved an update to the Club Charter. These entailed changes on kit, ticketing priority & a few other updates.
  • Secutix membership transfer: We agreed to pay for additional work to facilitate the transfer of membership management to the AFC Wimbledon’s system. 

Board theme groups


  • The Director of the Ramadan Tent project will visit in September to assess the site and potential numbers. Club is involved in planning.
  • The group would like to involve Women of Wimbledon Supporters Association in a meeting and has invited them to the next one.