Our next special general meeting (SGM) is on Monday 9 September. Keep an eye open for official notification nearer the time, but you might want to put it in your diary now.
Announcement of Election to fill five vacancies on the Trust Board
This Announcement of Election formally starts the election process to fill five vacancies on the Board of Wimbledon Football Club Supporters’ Society Limited (the Trust Board).
If there is anything that is not clear, or anything that you would like to discuss, contact the Election Steering Group via elections@thedonstrust.org or on 07818 617 620. John Dolan, who is chairing the Group this year, will do his best to help.
Five members’ two-year terms come to an end this year…
31st August – SGM
Our next special general meeting (SGM) will be held at the Cherry Red Records Stadium on Thursday, August 31, starting at 7.30 pm. It will take place in the back bar.
This is the second of three general meetings to be held this year. These meetings are opportunities for members and the Dons Trust Board to discuss policies and developments within the organisation, for members to ask questions of the board and for you the members to hold us accountable..
SGM date confirmed
Our next special general meeting (SGM) will be held at the Cherry Red Records Stadium on Monday, June 5, starting at 7.30 pm. It will take place in the back bar.
The meeting will include a presentation on the latest regarding our new stadium, plus the usual opportunity to ask questions of the Dons Trust Board about any topic.
Official invite letters and the agenda will be sent to members very soon, but please put the date in your diary…
Provisional dates for your diary
Our general meetings for 2017 have been provisionally booked for the following dates:
Thursday 27 April (SGM) Thursday 31 August (SGM) Thursday 14 December (AGM)
These dates will be confirmed nearer the time, as will the venues, but you might want to pencil them into your diary now.