In order to avoid clashing with the live stream of the Dons Under 18s in FA Youth Cup action against Tottenham Hotspur at Plough Lane on Wednesday 31 March, the SGM will now start at 20:30 BST that evening. As it is a single issue SGM purely for discussion of the proposed groundshare with the London Broncos, the board feel this will still provide enough time for discussion and voting. The SGM will be live via the same zoom link as previously advertised…
Dons Trust single issue SGM on proposed London Broncos use of Plough Lane
On Wednesday 31 March 2021, 19:30 GMT, the Dons Trust hosts a single issue Special General Meeting (SGM) and vote on the proposed London Broncos use of Plough Lane.
Register here.
The meeting will be strictly restricted to Dons Trust members only. We will need to confirm you are a member before approving your registration. You will be notified when your registration has been approved.
You do not have to install Zoom software to take part as you can also connect..