Since our announcement on 6 April [here] the board of the Dons Trust has had only eight http://heremembers, whereas our rules [here]say we need at least nine. We said then that we will be filling the vacancy at our meeting on Wednesday 20 April. Today we’re expanding on that announcement, to tell you more about what we’re doing, and to give you an update. Sticking with the original plan, we will be filling the vacancy on Wednesday. The rules say that’s..
Dons Trust Board appoints Chairs and Vice Chair
The new-look Dons Trust Board have wasted no time in appointing its Chairs and Vice Chair for the year ahead.Keen to get to work, board members discussed the Co-Chairs format and potential candidates in the run-up to a meeting today (Tuesday December 21), at which Xavier Wiggins and Kris Stewart were unanimously elected Co-Chairs and Michele Little Vice Chair.
Xavier said: “I am delighted to be continuing in the Co-Chair position following a roller-coaster first year in which much good..
Dons Trust Board meeting summary – 21 April
On Wednesday 21 April 2021, the Dons Trust Board (DTB) gathered via Microsoft Teams for its regular monthly meeting. This is a summary of matters discussed, pending publication of full minutes.
Attendees were as follows:
From the Football Club Board (FCB): CEO – Joe Palmer
From the Dons Trust Board (DTB): Xavier Wiggins, Jane Lonsdale, Charlie Talbot, Niall Couper Hannah Kitcher, Ed Leek, Luke Mackenzie, Graham Stacey, Tim Hillyer
Also in attendance: David Growns – Secretary, Treasurer – Michele Little, Minute-taker – Roger Edmonds-Brown, Communications Assistant – Matt Stockbridge.
Rob Crane resigns from Trust board
Dons Trust board member Rob Crane has resigned with immediate effect.
He explained: “I was elected to the board last year and it’s been a real privilege to in that time do my best to represent the views of our members.
“But when members read the paperwork for the SGM that’s being held on 9 December, they’ll realise the serious situation that we’ve reached with the new stadium.
“I should pay tribute to an immense amount of hard work done by so..
Colin Dipple steps down from Trust board
Dons Trust Board member Colin Dipple has decided to step down from the board with immediate effect due to personal ill health.
Colin was due to step down at our next members’ meeting on Monday 9 December, following the expiry of his two-year term, but has decided to bring that forward.
On behalf of his fellow Dons Trust Board members, chair Mark Davis said: “It goes without saying that everyone on the board sends their best wishes and thanks to..
Live election interviews this Sunday
Tune in to the 9yrs Podcast’s YouTube channel this Sunday (3 November) for their live interviews with this year’s board election candidates.
The morning running order will be:
10.25 Introduction
10.30 Tim Hillyer
11.00 Mark Sturges
11.30 Jane Lonsdale
12.00 Dennis Lowndes
After a break for lunch, the interviews will pick up again:
14.00 Edward Leek
14.30 Mark Davis
15.00 Anne Williams
Board election mini manifestos
The matchday programme for the Portsmouth game (on 19 October) included the ‘mini manifestos’ of this year’s election candidates. You can see them by clicking the link below:
2019 Dons Trust board election mini manifestos (PDF)
The candidates’ full manifestos will be sent to members soon.
May’s board meeting summary
The Dons Trust Board (DTB) held its monthly board meeting at the Cherry Red Records Stadium on Wednesday 22 May. Ahead of publication of the redacted minutes, this article summarises the main points discussed.
At the meeting were DTB members Mark Davis (chair), Rob Crane, Colin Dipple, Cormac van der Hoeven, Edward Leek, Anna Kingsley, Hannah Kitcher, Jane Lonsdale and Luke Mackenzie. Apologies were received from Roger Evans and Trust secretary David Growns.
For the first part of the meeting,..
Holding the club board to account
Dons Trust Board vice-chair Rob Crane explains how the Dons Trust works with the Football Club Board to keep everything moving along on the correct course.
Most Wimbledon fans, I would hope, know that the Dons Trust is the organisation that owns AFC Wimbledon. But on a day-to-day basis, how does the elected Dons Trust Board hold the (unelected) Football Club Board to account?
Traditionally, the split has been that the DTB looks after the strategic direction of the club,..
Ed Leek co-opted onto board
Last night’s Dons Trust board meeting formally co-opted Ed Leek onto the board to provide financial expertise that will help us oversee the football club and financing of the new stadium project.
Ed was one of a number of supporters who responded after the board advertised for help in February. After board members Mark Davis, Jane Lonsdale and Colin Dipple carried out a number of interviews, Ed emerged as the leading contender.
Ed has previously worked for KPMG and currently..